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She Heard the Clock!

Valli Ann, a Healing Room Volunteer, had a morning surprise:

I have had tinnitus for several years now and have not been able to hear well.  I’ve missed a lot.  I’ve gotten pretty good at faking it and most people don’t realize I didn’t understand what they just said.  Last night was Healing Room Training and I just enjoyed it and got so very much out of it.  A group of us went to IHOP afterwards and had a great time.  It was nearly 1:00 am when we left.  In Kingwood.  I live in Lufkin.  One and a half to 2 hours away.  It was almost 3:00 by the time I got to bed.  I was awakened a few minutes after 6:00 by a very loud noise.  It was the clock ticking! On the wall across the room.  I have a large bedroom.  And the ticking of the clock was so loud it woke me from a very sound sleep.  It took a few moments to realize that I was hearing the clock and not hearing a buzz in my ears.  So you are now on warning – be careful what you say around me.  I can hear you now!  Praise Yeshua my Salvation! Yeshua, Yeshuati.  Yeshua(Jesus), which means salvation in Hebrew, has become Salvation to me.  He eternally saved my soul and birthed a new spirit within me years ago, but today He saved my hearing.

Valli Ann – Lufkin, Texas

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