Healing Blessings for the New Year

We are the good ground who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. We may be in the world but we’re not of it, we do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. We will speak to our symptoms saying, “you are the lie, the word of God is the truth!” Let us pray for each other and encourage each other in this way until it penetrates deeper and we become more and more aware of His Presence and His Power within us and one day we wake up and the symptoms are gone!

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Safed Rooftop View

Artists, Musicians, Mystics, and More… in SFAT (SAFED)

If you love art and music, and especially if you love to study the scripture, Safed (pronounced 'Sfat') will feel like home to you. The ancient stone walls and paths take you through a section filled with memories of famous Rabbis and seekers throughout history. In a few hours you can see Rabbis, a certified scribe (sofer), school students, IDF soldiers on break, musicians carrying unusual harps and other instruments, artists, art galleries...

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