You are currently viewing Israel Trip Fall 2016 – Day 24 Jerusalem Parade!

Israel Trip Fall 2016 – Day 24 Jerusalem Parade!

Vision for Israel is a humanitarian aid organization to help Israelis with food, clothing, and supplies.  Barry and Batya Segal have been serving the needs of Israelis for many years here in Jerusalem, but their beautiful music is known all over the world. They hosted the Sukkot festivities,  and on the last day, we marched as a group in the Jerusalem Parade!
Batya Segal, of Vision for Israel, a humanitarian aid organization helping Israelis with clothing and supplies. (Also a GREAT singer!)
Barry Segal, with Vision for Israel, awaiting our chance to march together in the Jerusalem Parade

Israeli university professor, Dr. Sharon Azariah, welcomed Rozalie to her home for brunch before the Parade.   They met to discuss ideas for Kingwood’s Holocaust Garden of Remembrance educational program.


We had T-shirts, hats, and plenty of enthusiasm to show our support for Israel, by marching with representatives from nations across the world… this is a yearly event in Jerusalem.

The Gypsy nation embraced Rozalie!


Veronika joined Susan in Jerusalem Parade music!

Thousands march each year. They wave flags from their country, toss candy out to the children, sing Jewish songs and recite chants of support for the nation of Israel.  The residents line the streets and watch as oceans of people come through, smiling… for hours.  Former IDF soldiers also march!

Join us in Israel!

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