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Now, the morning to distribute supplies!

Israel Trip Fall 2016 – Day 17 Humanitarian Aid in Natanya and Sukkah Shopping

Our day began with the drive from Caesarea to Netanya, and meeting Brian Slater and other volunteers at the Abundant Bread of Life distribution center.
Morning preparation to serve
Make sure everyone feels welcome!

After a brief devotion time, we received our instructions for the day.

This honey is the BEST!
A Little Yiddish background music …
Everyone loves the blue bags!
Sweet connections…

At our posts, we packaged the items or handed them out at the tables, or served coffee to the guests. They loved Rozalie!

Paper goods are treasured!

As people arrived, the door person invited them inside, a few at a time, where they were served and had the chance to visit a bit.  They all came with baskets on rollers, or other means to carry the goods out, and as some waited outside for their friends to finish, they made trades with each other for favorite items in the day’s bundle.  After the morning rush, there was a lull, and we stopped to eat lunch together. Many of the volunteers who helped serve at the Royalty Banquet were there, and we got to share our experiences with each other. At a nearby market, we found a lulav, Etrog, and fresh cut palm branches (from a truck!)

Fresh Cut Palm Branches – from a Big Truck!
Can we put a pin for Texas?
The Crossover Project honored
This is a happy Jewish girl with her Lulav!
All loaded up, everything tied down, thanks to these guys!

On the way home, we stopped at Israel’s equivalent to a Home Depot, and purchased a tent and some decorations to build a Sukkah for our wonderful hosts in Caesarea.  They were surprised to see the loaded vehicle!

Something Like Home Depot – They Sell Sukkas!
Headed back to Caesarea with a Surprise Sukka!

Join us in Israel!

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