The schedule was full of sights and activities that allowed us to connect the history of the Jewish people and the significance of Biblical sites to our own personal spiritual condition. At Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, the recording of Ben Yehuda’s voice declaring the official establishment and independence of the State of Israel impacted our hearts, particularly in light of the nation’s seventy-year anniversary that very week. The storm on the Sea of Galilee a couple of days later only enhanced the joy of the worship and Hebraic dance about our boat! At Nazareth Village, we heard about the olive press and how the word olive press is the nearly the same as the word Gethsemane. The Holocaust Museum requires more time and emotional energy than we could give it, but every moment spent there was worthwhile.
Of course, we treasured the opportunity to listen to Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors and interact with them; one survivor (who had told us at dinner he never danced because he was an orphan) surprised us by joining in the dance! The Lord also used the conference prior to the March of the Nations to help us recognize and root out traces of anti-Semitism in our hearts. That conference made the actual March in Jerusalem all the more meaningful as 6000 people from fifty nations marched as a visible sign of support for Israel and the Jewish people.
What was the take-away for most of us? We arrived home with a desire to experience more – more of the Lord’s Presence, more of Israel, more study, and more fellowship! In response we say, “Next year in Jerusalem!”
Click here for information about 2019 tours!