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2019 March of Remembrance Bryan College Station

Sunday, April 7th, was a day of miracles. We watched as the day moved from dire warnings of extreme storms and tornadoes to the parting of the sea of clouds to allow over 500 dedicated souls to complete the 2-mile March of Remembrance around the campus, from stories of suffering and sorrow to extreme bravery and to the invitation for Jews and Germans and others needing history to be rewritten on their hearts, to gather in a sea of hugs and understanding.

The 2019 March of Remembrance took place in Bryan College Station, on the campus of Texas A&M University at Reed Arena. The organizers were aware that not only does the general public need to be reminded of the great tragedies of the Holocaust during the Second World War, but also young people around the world and on college campuses need to know the truth about that period of history. Often they read mixed messages about this moment in history and need more than lectures and textbook readings to really understand why and how this must never be allowed to occur again.


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