Healing Room - Prayer Ministry Form
KingwoodHealingRoom.org * (877) 898-1277
I acknowledge that team members from The Crossover Project Healing Room have voluntarily agreed to pray for me. I understand that this session is not a professional counseling meeting. I understand that these team members are highly trained prayer ministers who are, to the best of their ability, doing what they can to help me achieve more freedom in my life. I acknowledge that there are no guarantees in prayer ministry and that all healing done in this session comes solely from the power of the Holy Spirit through Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. I further state that I have voluntarily sought assistance of my own initiative and that I am under no obligation to accept or reject any of the advice or help that I might receive from the team members of this ministry.
I acknowledge that The Crossover Project is a 501c3 nonprofit ministry that does not charge for our volunteers inner healing prayer sessions. This ministry operates solely on donations. Consider your donation as a sacrifice unto the Lord. For donations to the ministry, please make your check out to The Crossover Project. You may also donate online via our website: http://thecrossoverproject.org/give/
I understand that this ministry session is completely confidential and protected in files under lock and key. However, I also understand that The Crossover Project mandatorily reports threats of imminent risk of harm to any individual (including self), or suspicion of child and elder abuse to the proper Texas authorities. I agree to hold The Crossover Project and its team members free from any and all liability, loss or damage of any kind that may arise as a result of assistance which I have received. I have read this disclaimer and release of Liability and understand and agree with it and have executed it as my free and voluntary act.