Language Arts

Leonard Nimoy’s Mameloshn: A Yiddish Story

Leonard Nimoy – Jewish actor most well-known for his role as Spock on the Star Trek science fiction series – was interviewed by Christa Whitney in Los Angeles, California on October 15, 2013. Parts of this interview are in Yiddish, subtitled in English.

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The Restaurant

“While it is true that at the present time a majority of believers in Yeshua are Gentiles – a fact we celebrate! – Yeshua is truly the Jewish Messiah.  Faith in Yeshua cannot make Jews into Gentiles.

Allow me to illustrate this idea with a story about a Jewish restaurant (the Bible), the food it served (Yeshua, ‘the Bread of Life’, John 6:35), and the mostly Gentile neighborhood where it was located (the world).

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