By Victoria Sarvadi
Ephesians 2:13
In scripture we read a lot about “sacrifices” translated from the Hebrew word “corban”. As modern western thinkers, our understanding of a sacrifice to God may be an appeasement as something we are obligated to do and maybe more often, we think of sacrifice as giving up and letting go of something that is valuable and precious. And while there may be some fundamental aspects of these meanings imbedded into the word “sacrifice” the original Hebrew paints a clearer picture. The Hebrew word “corban” intrinsically means to draw near.
God is Holy and we are not. Even though we aren’t sinning blatantly by acting appropriately in our natural man we are still hopelessly flawed in our own power. Our nature has the propensity to fail. We eventually get distracted, angry, jealous, annoyed and in those moments, we are prone to temptation and sin. We always fall short of perfect. How can we stand before a perfect, Holy God?
The Sacrificial system was a temporary means by which the sinner could draw near to God. The offeror could pray in earnest, bringing his or her petitions and requests to their provider God. They could seek direction and counsel but only after the proper sacrifice or corban (means by which one could come near) was satisfied.
Yeshua is our now our perfect corban. We who have repented and asked Him to come into our hearts to reside there have been changed into a new creation with a new nature. Christ Himself supernaturally enters into us by His Spirit. This means we have been united with Him. Llike a marriage covenant makes two people one so is it with our Covenant God. And because of Yeshua in us, we have corban to the Father. We can approach the Holy Presence of God and stand boldly before His throne of Grace. As He sees Christ in us, He hears our prayers.
But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ. Eph. 2:13